full moon
If in astrological terms the New Moons represent beginnings, then Full Moons represent endings.
This end of the Lunar cycle is a time when the seeds of intention you have planted during the influence of the New Moon are starting to bloom. During the Full Moon, the Universe tells us to slow down for a few days to learn more about the path we are on. Focus on what you have done, what seeds have you sown and what benefits have you reaped. And most importantly, what is worth letting go and what is worth clinging to?
As Full Moons are about endings and not beginnings, it's best advised against beginning something new during this lunar phase.
The Full Moon tends to intensify energies - both light and dark. Take this opportunity and remove or let go of any energy you no longer feel like holding onto - this includes thoughts, habits or patters that don't resonate with you anymore.
The Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon.

The best and most effective way to get in touch with your authentic self during this lunar cycle is to meditate. If you're new to meditation, here are a few tips: sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, alone with your thoughts. At first, your mind will wonder incessantly but remember not to follow every thought you have. Let it come, let it flow and let it go. Bring yourself back and focus. A very helpful tip is to stare (with your eyes closed) towards your third eye chakra which is located between your brows. This chakra is directly connected to spirituality so by using the Full Moon to enhance your meditation, you can encourage bringing a spiritual awakening. To those who already have a regular meditation practice, you may notice your meditation feeling deeper or more fulfilling during the full moon.
Lunar bath
You not only need to take care of your mental health during this emotionally draining phase, but you also need to focus on your physical well being. One of the best and most relaxing things to do is take a hot bath using our beautiful coconut oil bath bombs that apart from relaxing your muscles with the help of specially made salts, they also leave your skin incredibly smooth.
Dance or exercise to let go of stagnant energy
Emotions are not merely a mental phenomena; they are stored in the body as well. A stagnant body begets a stagnant mental and emotional state, and vice versa. A lack of physical movement creates blockages of energy flow. The most effective portal towards inner peace is through physical release. Get out of your head by getting into your body.
Let go of emotional baggage
As you engage in self reflection, you may notice patterns, behaviors or relationships that aren't getting you any closer to the life you want. They may even be distracting you from it. Use the Full Moon to let them go, or at least as an opportunity to contemplate upon the reason of their existence in your life.
Check your to-do list
Did you make a to-do list during the most recent New Moon or just recently at all? Now is the time to revisit it and check in on your progress. Are you closer to accomplishing your goals? If not, ask yourself why. Be proactive and devise a plan for getting there. If some of those goals don't resonate with you anymore, that's OK. Let them go, or change them. Don't cling to who you were when you first wrote those goals on the list. Accept yourself as you are in the present moment.
Stop and relax
If you feel like all of these rituals don't resonate with you or you're just not in the mood to do them, don't feel guilty about it. What works for some, might not work for others so do your own thing instead. Binge on a TV series, drink a cup of tea or a glass of wine. The Full Moon is the most intense out of all the Lunar Phases; it affects our sleep patterns and our overall emotional state. So make sure you just take it easy on yourself and others during this time.